Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekly (or so) Movie Review

I don't pretended to be a history buff, if anything I really could care less about the historical accuracy of a film as long as it entertains (a la 300). So when I heard about a move starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck, who continues to wow me with his acting prowess, was set in the wild west and additionally about the outlaw Jesse James, not to sound cliche but, Giddy-up (ok that was terrible I sincerely apologize). The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford, is haunting drama, more about Jesse and Roberts personal demons and inner struggle than a shoot-em-up cowboy western. The macabre tone set over the entire movie is just build-up to the inevitable end. While I did find the beginning slightly perplexing, the pieces eventually were put into place and were made whole before the first hour came to a close. I expected a decent western drama and what I walked away with was a deeper understanding of the motivation and downfall of The Outlaw Jesse James.


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